Blood sugar levels, or blood glucose levels, are something that those with diabetes are very familiar with. However, even those without diabetes should be aware of what their blood glucose levels are, and how the foods they consume effect the levels. Glucose is a type of sugar that serves as the body's primary source of energy, especially for the brain and muscles. Maintaining appropriate blood glucose levels is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Understanding blood glucose levels in people without diabetes or other metabolic disorders is important when considering:
Healthy lifestyle choices – selecting foods which do not cause a significant spike in blood glucose levels (i.e., those with a low glycemic index) can help to maintain stable energy levels, reduce cravings, and promote overall well-being.
Preventative health – periodic monitoring of blood glucose levels may provide an early indication of an underlying issue, that with early intervention and lifestyle changes may be resolved.
Weight management – maintaining healthy levels of blood glucose is beneficial to those aiming to lose weight, or those hoping to maintain a healthy weight.
Energy and Mood – it is important to understand the relationship between blood glucose levels, their spikes, and their crashes, and how to better regulate levels throughout the day.
Cognitive function – hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels, can lead to cognitive impairment, resulting in poor decision making and productivity. Maintaining stable blood glucose levels is important for sustained attention and concentration.
Aging and Metabolism – as one gets older, their metabolism changes, and it becomes increasingly important to understand how blood glucose levels are being affected.

Overall, for those that do not have a metabolic disorder, it is still important to understand blood glucose levels, and have them checked periodically. This may help improve their health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, or allow for early intervention before underlying issues progress.
Normal blood glucose levels remain within a fairly narrow range throughout the day, with fasting (i.e., before eating) levels usually between 80-100Mg/DL; and postprandial (i.e., after eating) briefly rising to between 170-200Mg/DL for a short time, then returning to normal.
Several hormones play a role in regulating blood glucose levels, with insulin and glucagon being the most important. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, helps lower blood glucose levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells for energy or storage. Glucagon, also produced by the pancreas, raises blood glucose levels by promoting the release of stored glucose into the bloodstream.
Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. There are different types of diabetes, including Type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune disorder where the pancreas produces little to no insulin) and Type 2 diabetes (a condition where the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn't produce enough of it). Managing blood glucose levels is a critical aspect of diabetes care to prevent complications.
Consistently high blood glucose levels can lead to serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, nerve problems, vision impairment, and more. Proper management and control of blood glucose are essential to reduce the risk of these complications. Maintaining blood glucose within a healthy range through medication, diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments is essential for preventing complications and promoting well-being.
In a small study 8-10 otherwise healthy volunteers ate a Pranam Superfoods Antioxidant bar, their blood glucose levels were taken prior to eating the bar (fasting) and at 30 minutes (postprandial), 60 minutes, and 120 minutes. The results from each bar are shown here, unlike many other bars and snacks, the blood glucose levels of these volunteers did not spike as high, and returned to normal levels by around 2 hours, without a crash which often follows a spike.

The Antioxidant Bars from Pranam Superfoods are a great choice for those looking for a low glycemic index food, but there are so many other benefits to these bars as well. Loaded with superfoods, the bars are high in antioxidants which can further help combat damage caused by free radicals, inflammation and other damaging processes going on within the human body.
Pranam bars are handmade in small batches in Baton Rouge Louisiana by Dr. Joseph Francis and his team. Dr. Francis continues his academic research at LSU into the benefits of anti oxidants in many diseases including diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, heart disease, etc. Dr. Joseph started Pranam to help develop a nutritional supplement that would help his late wife combat the negative effects of the aggressive chemotherapy she was undertaking. Along the way he discovered that he had created a nutrition bar that not only helped alleviate many of her side effects, but also tasted great, so great that even their children would eat it. He then undertook to help as many people as possible to understand the benefits of incorporating this type of nutrition into their diets.
Try one of the four tasty flavors today and enjoy the potential health benefits of the all-natural ingredients. For those that desire, or require it, The Antioxidant Bars are also 100% plant-based, organic, and gluten free.
